Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Wife And I

Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Wife And I (Reasons) – PetDogsLIfe

A lot of dog owners have this same question; “Why does my dog sleep between my wife and I?” It turns out that there are a few reasons why your four-legged friend might want to snuggle up in the middle of you and your partner at night.

Your dog is trying to create a sense of security and comfort. Dogs are pack animals, and by sleeping between you and your partner, your pup is attempting to recreate the close-knit feeling of being in a pack.

So why do some dogs sleep between their owners? Keep reading to find out!

Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Wife And I – Reasons

There are several reasons why your dog might sleep between you and your husband at night:

1) They Miss Your Company During

If you work long hours or are often away from home, your dog may sleep between you and your husband to feel closer to you.

2) They Want To Be Close To The Pack Leaders

Dogs are pack animals, and see their owners as the pack leaders. By sleeping close to you and your husband, they feel close to the leaders of the pack.

3) They Love Being Close To People

Dogs are social creatures and enjoy human interaction. By sleeping between you and your husband, they are able to be close to the people they love.

4) They Are Seeking A Sense Of Security And Comfort

Dogs often turn to their owners for a sense of security and comfort. By sleeping between you and your husband, your dog may be seeking that same feeling of security and comfort.

5) They Are Trying To Stay Warm

Dogs often sleep close to their owners to benefit from their body heat. If your dog is particularly small or has a thin coat, they may seek out the warmth of your body to stay warm at night.

6) They Were Allowed To Sleep With You

If your dog has always been allowed to sleep between you and your husband, they may view it as their ‘safe space.’ Dogs can be very territorial, and sleeping between you and your husband may be the only place they feel safe and comfortable.

7) They Like To Pile Up

Dogs also like to pile up in order to create and maintain their own body heat. If your dog is sleeping between you and your husband, they may be doing so because they are cold and trying to stay warm.

What To Do If Your Dog Sleeps Between You And Your Husband?

If you have a dog that sleeps between you and your husband, there are a few things you can do to help them feel more comfortable:

1) Give Them Their Own Bed

If your dog is always sleeping between you and your husband, they may begin to view it as their ‘safe space.’ To help them feel more comfortable, give them their own bed to sleep in.

2) Let Them Choose Where They Want To Sleep

If your dog wants to sleep between you and your husband, let them. Dogs are very territorial creatures, and by letting them choose where they want to sleep, you’re giving them a sense of control.

3) Don’t Make Them Sleep On The Floor

If your dog is used to sleeping in your bed, don’t make them suddenly sleep on the floor. This can be confusing and upsetting for them. Instead, gradually transition them to their own bed by placing it next to yours.

4) Don’t Punish Them For Sleeping Between You And Your Husband

Punishing your dog for sleeping between you and your husband will only serve to confuse and upset them. If you want them to stop sleeping between you and your husband, provide them with an alternative such as their own bed or a blanket on the floor.

5) Keep A Close Eye On Them

If your dog is sleeping between you and your husband, it’s important to keep a close eye on them. This is because they may be seeking comfort and security from you and your husband, and if they don’t feel comfortable or secure, they may become anxious or stressed.

6) Give Them Plenty Of Attention

Dogs are social creatures and thrive on human interaction. If your dog is sleeping between you and your husband, make sure to give them plenty of attention throughout the day. This will help them feel loved and secure.

7) Be Consistent

If you want your dog to stop sleeping between you and your husband, it’s important to be consistent with your rules. If you allow them to sleep between you and your husband one day, but not the next, they will only become more confused and stressed.

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The Pros & Cons Of Sleeping With Your Dog

There are both pros and cons to sleeping with your dog:

  • Dogs are social creatures and enjoy human interaction. By sleeping with them, you’re providing them with the attention and interaction they crave.

  • Dogs often seek out the warmth of their owner’s bodies to stay warm. Sleeping with you can help them stay warm at night.

  • Dogs can provide a sense of security and comfort. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, sleeping with your dog can help you feel better.

  • Dogs often move around during the night, which can disrupt your sleep.

  • Dogs may bark or whine during the night, which can also disrupt your sleep.

  • Dogs can be messy and may leave hair or drool on your bed.

  • Some people find the presence of a dog in their bed to be too overwhelming.


Overall, there are both pros and cons to sleeping with your dog. If you’re able to deal with the disruptions that they may cause, then sleeping with your dog can be a great way to get some extra warmth and comfort.

However, if you’re someone who is easily disturbed by noise or movement, it may be best to have your dog sleep in its own bed.


How do dogs choose their favourite person?

Dogs choose their favourite person through a process of elimination. They will spend time with all of the people in their homes and see who is the most responsive to them.

Why does my dog sleep next to my wife and not me?

It’s likely that your dog sees your wife as their favourite person. This is because she is probably the most responsive to them and provides them with the most attention.

How can I make my dog sleep with me?

You can make your dog sleep with you by providing them with their own bed or blanket next to your bed. You can also give them plenty of attention and love throughout the day to make them feel comfortable and secure.

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