Why Does My Dog Whine When I Give Him A Treat

Why Does My Dog Whine When I Give Him A Treat (Reasons) – PetDogsLife

If you’re a dog lover, then you know that one of the best parts of having a pup is spoiling them with treats. But have you ever wondered why your dog seems to whine when you give him a treat? Yes right? So now you might ask, why does my dog whine when I give him a treat

Well, your dog whines for some reasons, like he is asking for more, he is asking for your attention, he wants to tell you or show you something, he is having some negative emotions or sadness with you or he is feeling bored and lonely.

Now you have the somehow idea of why dogs whine, Now is the time to dive deeper into it. Because this is after all a life matter for your furry friend. So keep on reading if you want to read just one article about this question.

Why Does My Dog Whine When I Give Him A Treat?

Dogs are pack animals, so they’re always communicating with each other. Whining is how dogs ask and talk to others in their packs (including you). Whining can indicate a range of different emotions in your pup: 

Your dog is whining because he’s asking for more. More specifically, dogs may whine when you give them a treat as a way to tell you that they want more of whatever it is that you’re offering. 

Another theory is that dogs whine when they’re displeased about something. If you come home from work and your pup immediately drops to the floor and starts whining, then this may be your dog’s way of saying, “I’m so disappointed with you for leaving me all day! I deserve better!”

Either way, it’s likely that your dog is just trying to indicate that he’d like more of whatever it is you’re providing.

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What Is the Difference Between Whining and Barking?

Barking and whining are two distinct types of vocalization. Barking is used for demanding attention, or to give a warning, whereas whining is generally used as a request.  

For example, if you come home from work and your dog starts barking at you, then this may be his way of telling you that it’s not okay that you left him alone all day. If your dog starts whining when you’re petting him, then this may be his way of saying that he wants more.

Dogs Whine For Different Reasons

Here are some of the possible reasons for dog whine.

1. Your Dog Is Asking for More

One major reason why dogs whine when they get a treat is that they want more. This means that if your pup starts whining while you’re petting him, then he may be trying to tell you that he’s exhausted (and would like some downtime) or that he’d like you to pet him longer. If your dog starts whining when you’re feeding him, then he might be trying to say that he’s hungry and would like more food.

2. Your Dog Is Asking For Attention

Another reason why dogs whine when they get a treat is that they want your attention. If your pup whines at you while you’re eating dinner, then this may be his way of asking to be fed as well. This is especially common among puppies who are still learning that it’s not okay for them to beg throughout the day.

3. Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You Something

If your dog whines when you’re petting him, then he might just be trying to tell you that he wants you to pet him for a longer period of time. If your dog starts whining when you’re trying to go out, then this may be his way of telling you that he’d prefer not to be left alone.

4. Your Dog Is Feeling Negative Emotions

Dogs might also whine as a way to express their displeasure with something. For example, if you come home to find that your dog is whining, then it’s possible that he’s mad at you for leaving him alone all day. Dogs might also whine as a way to express sadness and stress.

5. Your Pup Is Bored Or Lonely

A final reason why dogs whine when they get a treat is that they’re bored or lonely. If your pup is whining as you’re leaving the house, then this may be his way of telling you that he’d rather not be left home alone for extended periods of time.

How To Stop A Dog From Whining?

Here are some of the best methods that you can follow to stop a dog from whining:

Method 1

If you’d like to stop a dog from whining because he wants more treats, then simply ignore his requests for attention! It might sound harsh, but you’ll quickly see that as your puppy learns that he can’t get more attention as long as he’s whining, then he’ll soon stop! 

Method 2

And if your dog is whining because he’s asking for more attention and care, then it might be best to give him some alone time to do something he enjoys, like playing with his toys or chewing on a bone.

If your dog is whining because he’s feeling negative emotions, then it might be best to give him some extra love and affection before you leave the house.

Keep in mind that dogs whine for a reason. And if you’re not able to determine what it is, then you should probably book an appointment with the vet to ensure nothing serious is going on.

Is Dog Whining Out Of Excitement Or Pain?

If your dog is whining, Here are a few basic questions you can ask yourself to figure out why he’s doing so: 

  • Is your pup whining while you’re petting him? If so, then he might just be asking for more attention or love. 
  • If your dog is whining when you’ve stopped petting him, then this could be a sign that he’s feeling negative emotions.
  • Is your dog whining while you’re trying to get ready? If so, then your pup might just be asking for some time with you or because he doesn’t want you to leave. 
  • If your dog is whining when you try to go out, then this could mean that he’s feeling bored or lonely.
  • Does your dog whine when you’re trying to feed him? If so, then this may just be a sign that he would like more food or treats. 
  • If your pup starts whining as you’re putting his bowl of food away, then it could be because he isn’t satisfied with what you’re giving him and would like more.
  • Does your dog whine when you’re trying to give him a treat? This might be your pup’s way of asking for more, or it could be because he wants your attention. 


In the end, we can say that the answer to the question why does my dog whine when I give him a treat? Is that dog whining for many different reasons as he might feel lonely or bored or he might like more love and attention or he might want more of something that you’re giving to him? 


How can you tell if your dog is whining out of excitement or pain? 

Look at the facial expression. Is it their eyes, ears, mouth relaxed or tense, is his tail wagging or not, is he looking at you with big eyes and a relaxed body? And lastly, are his paws relaxed, or are they tense?

What should you do if your dog starts whining for no reason?

If the whines are accompanied by some other behaviour like panting, shaking, scratching, etc then this could be a health issue so it’s best to visit the vet first. And if there isn’t any other behaviour then it could be that he’s lonely so give him some time and love.

What should you do if your dog starts whining as you’re putting his bowl of food away? 

He could be hungry and wants more so try to give him a little bit more or find out what his appetite is like. If it happens only every once in a while then he’s probably just bored and lonely which is why he’s whining.

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