Why Does My Dog Nibble My Ear – PetDogsLife
Dogs are pack animals and they have the natural tendency to nibble or bite other members of their pack. It is the way for them to show their affection, love, and care.
In most cases, it is seen that the dogs nibble their owner’s ear when they want some attention or they are feeling playful.
So, if your dog is nibbling your ear, then it simply means that he/she loves you and wants to play with you. Keep reading to learn more about why my dog nibbles my ear!
Why Does My Dog Nibble My Ear – 7 Reasons
There can be other reasons for your dog nibbling your ear apart from showing love and affection. Let’s have a look at them:
1. Your Dog Is Stressed
If you think that your dog is nibbling your ear out of the blue, then it might be because he/she is stressed. It is seen that dogs tend to nibble or chew on things when they are stressed. So, if your dog is nibbling your ear, then it might be a sign of stress.
2. Your Dog Is Bored
Another reason for your dog nibbling your ear could be boredom. If your dog is bored, he/she will look for ways to entertain themselves and one of the ways is by nibbling your ear.
3. Your Dog Is Hungry
It is also possible that your dog is nibbling your ear because he/she is hungry. If you think that your dog is nibbling your ear more than usual, then it might be a sign that he/she is hungry and wants food.
4. Your Dog Wants Attention
Dogs are social animals and they crave attention. So, if your dog is nibbling your ear, it might be because he/she wants your attention.
5. Your Dog Is Teething
If your dog is a puppy, then he/she might be nibbling your ear because of teething. It is seen that puppies tend to nibble on things when they are teething.
6. Your Dog Is Playing
Another reason for your dog nibbling your ear could be because he/she wants to play. Dogs are known to be playful creatures and they will often nibble on ears when they want to play.
7. Your Dog Is Excited
It is also possible that your dog is nibbling your ear because he/she is excited. Dogs tend to get excited when they see their favorite toy or when they are about to go for a walk.
Tips To Help Stop Your Dog From Nibbling Your Ear
If you want to stop your dog from nibbling your ear, then there are a few things that you can do such as:
Provide Them With Toys
One of the best ways to stop your dog from nibbling your ear is to provide them with toys. If your dog has something to chew on, then he/she will be less likely to nibble your ear.
Give Them A Treat
Another way to stop your dog from nibbling your ear is to give them a treat whenever they do it. This will teach them that nibbling your ear is not a good thing and they will be less likely to do it.
Ignore Them
If you want to stop your dog from nibbling your ear, then one of the best things that you can do is to ignore them. Dogs crave attention and if you ignore them when they nibble your ear, they will be less likely to do it.
Why Does My Dog Nibble My Ear When I Pet Him?
It is possible that your dog is nibbling your ear when you pet him because he/she is excited. Dogs tend to get excited when they are being petted and they might show this excitement by nibbling on your ear.
Should I Allow My Dog To Nibble My Ear?
It is up to you whether you want to allow your dog to nibble your ear or not. If you don’t mind and it does not bother you, then you can allow your dog to do it. However, if you are not comfortable with it, then you can tell your dog “no” and he/she will eventually stop doing it.
Should I Be Concerned If My Dog Is Nibbling My Ear?
If your dog is nibbling your ear and it is not causing you any pain or discomfort, then you should not be concerned. However, if your dog is nibbling your ear too hard or if it is causing you pain, then you should take him/her to the vet.
Moreover, if your dog is nibbling your ear more than usual, it might be a sign that something is wrong. In such a case, you should take him/her to the vet to get checked out.
Hope this guide was helpful in understanding why does my dog nibble my ear and how you can stop them from doing it. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your veterinarian. He will be able to help you better understand your dog and their behavior. Thanks for reading!