Why Does My Dog Lick My Period Blood

Why Does My Dog Lick My Period Blood? 5 Surprising Reasons You Need to Know

Are you wondering why your dog is licking your period blood? You’re not alone! Many people are curious about this behaviour.

While there isn’t a definitive answer,  there are a few theories that might explain why your dog is interested in your period blood. Here I will explain in detail Why Does My Dog Lick My Period Blood?

One theory is that your dog is simply trying to get rid of the blood. This makes sense, as dogs are often known to lick their wounds in order to clean them.

If your dog licks your period blood, it may be because they think that it’s a wound and they are trying to clean it up.

Another theory is that your dog is trying to taste you. Dogs have an incredibly strong sense of smell, and they may be able to detect the hormones in your blood. By licking your period blood, your dog may be trying to learn more about you and what’s going

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most likely explanations for why your dog is licking your period blood. 

Why Does My Dog Lick My Period Blood? 5 Main Reasons

Here are a few common reasons why your dog licks your period blood:

1: Your Dog Likes Stinky Stuff:

As we mentioned before, dogs have an incredibly strong sense of smell. In fact, their sense of smell is up to 10,000 times more acute than ours! This means that they can pick up on scents that we can’t even begin to imagine. 

It’s not surprising then, that some dogs are attracted to the scent of period blood. In fact, some people have even said that their dog loves the smell of period blood!

2: Your Dog Is Trying To Clean You Up:

As we mentioned earlier, one theory is that your dog is licking your period blood because they think it’s a wound and they are trying to clean it up. This makes sense, especially if your dog is the type to lick its own wounds. 

3: Your Dog Is Trying To Taste You:

Another theory is that your dog is trying to taste you. This makes sense, as dogs have an incredibly strong sense of smell and they may be able to detect the hormones in your blood. 

4: Your Dog Is Curious:

Last but not least, it’s possible that your dog is simply curious. Dogs are incredibly curious creatures, and they may want to investigate this strange new thing that’s happening to you.

5: They’re An Obnoxious Pooch:

Sometimes, dogs will lick you because they think you taste good! This is especially true if you give them attention when they lick you. 

If your dog is licking your period blood, it’s important to be aware of the risks. While most dogs are not going to catch anything from licking period blood, there is a small risk of infection. Make sure to keep your dog’s nails trimmed short, and if they start licking your period blood regularly, consult your veterinarian.

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What Should You Do If Your Dog Starts Licking Your Period Blood?

If you’re not comfortable with your dog licking your period blood, then there are a few things you can do to stop them:

  • The first thing you can do is to try and keep your dog away from your menstrual blood. This may be easier said than done, but it’s worth a try! You can do this by keeping yourself and your blood is hidden from your dog, or by using a muzzle if your dog is particularly persistent. 
  • If that doesn’t work, you can also try training your dog not to lick your period blood. This may take some time and patience, but it’s definitely doable. You can start by teaching your dog basic commands such as “leave it” or “stop.” Once your dog has learned these commands, you can start working on teaching them not to lick your period blood specifically. 
  • If all else fails, you may have to consider getting a new dog. This is definitely a last resort, but if your dog is persistently licking your period blood, it may be the best thing for both of you. 


At the end of the day, there’s no one right answer for why your dog is licking your period blood. It could be because they like the smell, because they think it’s a wound, or because they’re curious. 

Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved.


Does My Period Affect My Dog? 

There is no evidence to suggest that your period affects your dog in any way. 

Can My Dog Get Pregnant If They Lick My Period Blood? 

No, your dog cannot get pregnant from licking your period blood. 

Why Does My Dog Lick Me When I Bleed? 

There are a few possible explanations for this behaviour. It could be that your dog is trying to clean you up, that they’re curious, or that they think you taste good. 

Is It Safe For My Dog To Lick My Period Blood? 

While most dogs are not going to catch anything from licking period blood, there is a small risk of infection. Make sure to keep your dog’s nails trimmed short, and if they start licking your period blood regularly, consult your veterinarian. 

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