How Long Can Golden Retrievers Hold Their Pee

How Long Can Golden Retrievers Hold Their Pee (CompleteGuide) – PetDogsLife

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular breeds of dogs. This dog breed is brilliant, lovable, and loyal. However, training a golden retriever can be difficult. Many people don’t know about golden retrievers is how long can Golden Retrievers hold their pee?

Generally, these adults or larger breeds hold their pee for around 10-12 hours, but it depends on many factors. However, if your work long hours outside and you have to leave your pup at home alone for an extended period of time, then some things need to be considered.

Here we come up with a detailed guide on how long can a golden retriever hold its pee. Also, here we described the key factors that depend on holding pee and when golden retrievers can hold their poop.

How Long Can Golden Retrievers Hold Their Pee – Depending on Factors

Many factors depend on the holding pee duration of dogs. Some of these factors include physical health, age, and breed type.

Physical Health Of The Dog

Physical health is the main factor that affects the holding pee duration. If your dog has underlying medical and health conditions, it can lead to urinary incontinence or other severe kidney problems. Therefore, you have to consider these factors before leaving them alone at home for a long time.

Age of Your Dog

Golden retrievers are one of the oldest breeds. Unfortunately, this means that they may face some health issues with age, including hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other kidney problems.

Breed Type of Your Dog

Another essential factor is breed type because many dog breeds can hold their pee for longer than others like Afghan hound, Alaskan malamute, Siberian Husky, and others.

When to Go for a Pee Break?

Generally, golden retrievers can hold their pee for about 12 hours, but it has been noted that they will need to go out and do pooping after about an hour or two of drinking water. So, it means that if your dog drinks a lot of water, you have to consider this factor. 

How Long Can Golden Retrievers Hold Their Pee?

Many factors affect the holding pee duration of dogs. When it comes to golden retrievers, they can hold their pee for around 12 hours, but it is recommended not to leave them alone at home for more than an hour or two because if your pup drinks a lot of water, it may cause a problem for you.

How Long Golden Retrievers Can Hold their Pee at Every Age?

As we already mentioned above that the pee duration of the golden retrievers depends on their age so here you get the duration during different age cycles.

Younger Than 6 Months

Golden retrievers that are younger than 6 months hold their pee for around 1-3 hours. They are the puppies of golden retrievers that have not yet reached their full maturity, so they will need to go out and poop more often than adults

Older Than 6 Months

The golden retrievers that are older than 6 months hold their pee for around 3-6 hours. This duration occurs because they have reached their full maturity, so this factor has no effect on the holding pee duration

2 Years Old Dog

2 years and older golden retrievers dog breed hold their pee for around 6-8 hours. They may face some health issues at this age, so you have to consider this factor too.

Above 7 Years Old

All the dog breeds that come above 7 years old can hold their pee for 4-6 hours. It happens because they are old and may face some health issues like arthritis, kidney problems, etc.

11-12 Years Old

In the end, the golden retriever’s dogs aged 11 to 12 years can hold their pee for around 2-4 hours. 

How To Potty Train Your Golden Retriever Puppy?

Golden retrievers are one of the oldest breeds. It means that they may face some health issues with age, including hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other kidney problems. Therefore, it is recommended to take them out for a bathroom break every hour if your golden retriever is a senior dog.

However, many people leave their pup at home alone for a long time. In this case, some steps need to be followed to potty train your dog and prevent accidents from happening.

Tips for Potty Training Your Golden Retriever Dog

Potty training golden retrievers can be difficult because they will need some patience on the owner’s part. However, it is not impossible if you use the proper potty-training techniques and some patience.

  1. First of all, it is recommended to take your puppy out for a pee frequent break after they eat or drink something, especially water, because it means that their bladder will be full at this time, so they will need to go outside and do their business.
  2. Another thing that needs to be followed when potty training golden retrievers dog breed is rewarding them with treats after following specific steps correctly. It can help in motivating your pup towards good behaviours like going out in the yard etc.
  3. It also plays a vital role in shaping up their behaviour positively. The pet owners should always remain consistent during this process otherwise, accidents are likely to happen again, affecting the pet’s behaviour.
  4. So, suppose your pet does not follow a command or make an accident on the floor. In that case, you should try to correct them immediately without shouting at them as this may affect their behaviour adversely, and they will stop obeying commands.

When can Golden Retrievers Hold their Bladder?

Golden retriever dogs are a large breed of dog, and they have a huge body which means that the digestive system takes some time to break down food. Therefore, this is one of the main reasons why it often happens that your golden retriever puppy or an adult dog may not be able to hold their bladder for a long time.

There are several other reasons why your golden retriever dog may not be able to hold its pee, and these include:

  • Pain or discomfort in the stomach/abdomen region of the body.
  • If your golden retriever has recently given birth, then it is considered that this can be the reason why your golden retriever puppy is not able to hold their pee
  • If you have recently had surgery, it may be one of the reasons for this behaviour in your pet dog. Besides, it also happens that if there has been some trauma or injury on the bladder/reproductive organs area, then again, they won’t be able to hold their pee for a long time
  • If your golden retriever dog is sick, they may not be able to hold it in the bladder, and this will happen even if you give them some simple medicine such as painkillers.
  • If your golden retriever dog is suffering from a chronic illness, then it may happen that they cannot hold their pee for a long time or at all times
  • In case if you have a very old golden retriever dog, then it can also happen that they cannot hold their pee for a long time


In the end, if you have a golden retriever and are wondering how long can golden retrievers hold their pee, we’ve got the answer for you. It is estimated that most dogs will wait between three and four hours before feeling an urge to urinate again.

So, don’t forget about your pet when planning out your next vacation or day trip.


How Long Can dogs hold their pee overnight?

If you don’t want your dog to have an accident in the house, it’s best to take them out for a potty break before bedtime. Most dogs can hold their urine for 8-10 hours if they are trained and healthy.

What are some signs that my dog needs to go out?

Some signs that your dog needs to go out are sniffing around, circling, or going to the door. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time for a potty break!

How often should I take my dog out?

It’s best to take your dog out every 4-6 hours, depending on their age, size, and energy level. Puppies and high energy dogs may need to go out more frequently.