Are Male or Female Dogs Better Guard Dogs? Male Vs. Female Dogs – Guide 2022
Male and female dogs both have their advantages and disadvantages. While males can be more aggressive, females are better at sensing potentially harmful situations. The question is, are male or female dogs better guard dogs? It will confuse many dog owners.
It depends on your needs and the dog’s ability to handle these responsibilities. For example, male dogs tend to be more aggressive than female dogs, so this is better if you need a guard dog.
On the other hand, you need to consider other factors while choosing guard dogs, so we determine the differences between male and female dogs.
Male vs Female Guard Dogs
Pros of Male Guard Dogs
- Male dogs are more likely to be aggressive, which is suitable for guard dog purposes.
- They can also weigh up to 50 percent more than females, so they can do a lot of damage when it comes down to protecting you and your family.
- Male breeds tend to have heavier skulls that protect their brain better in case of an attack.
- They also have a more dominant body structure than their female counterparts.
- Male dog breeds tend to be less likely to urinate when they become nervous or frightened.
- Male dogs tend to be less emotional than females, which can also help with being a guard dog.
- A male dog will not go into heat cycle as often as female puppy or dogs and can therefore remain focused on their job better.
- A male dog is less likely to make noise when they are anxious or nervous, which can be good if you have neighbors who do not appreciate the sound of a barking dog.
Cons of Male Guard Dogs
- Male dogs are more likely to be aggressive, which can also cause problems for you if they ever get loose and attack someone else.
- They may become overly attached to their family members since it is in their genes that the only way to find a mate is by guarding them well.
- It could potentially lead to defensive aggression towards strangers even when it is not necessary.
- Male dogs are more likely to try and dominate you, which can create problems.
- They will want to protect their turf by marking around the perimeter of your home.
- Male dogs are at a higher risk for health problems such as prostate issues and testicular cancer.
- Lastly, male dogs tend to be more vocal than females when you leave them alone in your home.
Pros of Female Guard Dogs
- Females are less likely to be aggressive, which can make them more desirable for families with children.
- They tend to get along better with other pets that you may have in your home due to their social nature.
- Female dogs will not go into heat as often, making it easier for owners away from home for long periods.
- Female dogs are less likely to mark their territory around homes, making them more desirable.
- They tend to be less vocal than males when they sense something is wrong, and this makes it easier on neighbors.
- Female dogs are less likely to become overly attached to their family members, and this can make it easier for them when you’re away from home.
- Females tend to be more independent than males, which is good if they happen to get loose and need to make their way back home.
- Females’ dogs are less likely to show dominance, which can be suitable for owners who prefer not having an alpha dog in the family.
Cons of Female Guard Dogs
- While they are less likely to be aggressive, females can still become more territorial, so you must socialize them from a young age.
- They tend to have smaller skulls and brains than their male counterparts, making them more vulnerable in case of an attack.
- Females tend to be more territorial instincts than males, making them a bit difficult when it comes time to introduce new people and pets.
- They are at an increased risk than their male counterparts of developing breast cancer and other mammary cancers.
- They are at a higher risk for urinary tract infections.
We hope that now you are well aware of are male or female dogs better guard dogs.
What is the Preferable Dog Breed As a Guard?
There is no one best dog breed for guarding your home. It depends on what you are looking for in terms of size, features, and temperament.
While both breeds make amazing guard dogs, German Shepherd dogs tend to be more territorial than Rottweilers. They will create problems if they come across someone new entering the property.
While Rottweilers are less likely to be territorial, they will become more protective instinct of their family members. This feature could make them undesirable if you have children or other pets in your home.
Things to Consider Before Buying Dog as a Guard
Here are some of the key features that you need to keep in mind when you are looking for the best dog breed as a guardian.
Size of the Dogs
The size of dogs will determine whether or not they are suitable for the job. While many people prefer to have a larger breed, there are exceptions, such as Chihuahuas, who make excellent guard dogs due to their size and ability to fit into small spaces where intruders may hide.
The Aggressiveness of the Dog
If you’re looking for an aggressive type of guard dog, you will need to consider their temperament. Some guardian breeds are known due to the aggressive behavior of others, including Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes, among other large breed dogs.
If they happen to get loose by accident or intentionally due to your negligence, they need to safely make their way back home. If your dog is huge, you may want to consider a loyal breed with a more laid-back personality, so they are less likely to get into trouble.
Dog’s Energy Level
A dog’s temperament can be determined by its energy level, which means it will take work on your part if you are looking for an active type of guard dog who is constantly on the move.
Exercise Frequency
The exercise frequency is crucial if you want your guard dog to be fit and healthy for its size. They will need a lot of room to stretch out and run around without becoming destructive or anxious at home.
Active and Gentle Dog Breed
If you plan on using your dog as a protector, it’s best to look for an active breed that is also good with kids and other pets because they will need to blend in easily around strangers.
In the end, it is essential that when you are considering a dog as your livestock guardian, they need to be able to blend in with their environment yet provide security for both members of the family and pets.
If you have children or other people living in your home who may not understand how to approach dogs properly, so an aggressive breed is not a good option.
In the end, we hope that you get a detailed answer about are male or female dogs better guard dogs?